Friday 20 March 2015

Werkin' It

Hi everyone!

For today's look I have brought to you one of my favourite trends at the moment .. the utility style jumpsuit. They are in all the highstreet shops at the mo and in lots of colours. I love anything khaki so saw this and couldn't stop myself from adding to basket! It's true to size for anyone who purchases this, just to keep in mind it is quite long in leg length for anyone who is short like me... short girl problems!

At the moment these lace up, caged style heels are everywhere too and I'm so glad because not only are they glam but super super comfy too! All the extra support around the foot really makes them perfect going out heels!

p.s It's Friday!!!!! Yayyyyy!!! This week has been one of the longest and I couldn't wait for it to be over.... The sun is out and spring is officially here! So happy Friday everyone!

Love Amb xo


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