Wednesday 6 January 2016

New Year, Same Me

Hi everyone! 

My latest YouTube video will be up on my channel tomorrow, but before my first official post of 2016 I just wanted to wish all of my lovely followers a very happy new year! Yes, I know it's 6 days late but better late than never and all that...

So the new year is here... The juicer's back out of the cupboard, savings account set up and swearing jar at the ready. I have to admit I'm usually one of those people that thrives off the whole "New year, new me'" hype whilst creating a list of resolutions ready to break. However this year I've decided to not pick myself apart with things I need to change but instead to stay exactly the way I am. And not because I think I'm perfect, far from it! Instead I'm seeing the new year as a chance to learn from mistakes, take every opportunity that comes my way and to appreciate everything and everyone in my life! 

I hope this year is amazing for all of you whatever it brings. And here's to not changing (just improving) as we are all pretty fabulous already! 

Love Amb xo



  1. I agree, I usually start every year with that ‘new year, new me’ rubbish, but here we are 7 days laters and I have already failed at meeting 3 of my new years resolutions. Baby steps, I think. We put too much pressure on ourselves when 1st of January comes around.

    Aly x |

  2. Definitely! Glad someone else agrees :) xx


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