Sunday 28 June 2015

Summer Daze

So when I shot this look it was a scorcher of a day and I was so excited that summer had finally arrived, now I'm sat in bed listening to the rain outside with my trusty fluffy socks on... meh!! British summers and all that.

But anyway I will pretend I am back to Friday when this outfit had me super excited that summer was in full swing! I ordered a load of new goodies from Missguided as they have THE best new in at the moment, please go and have a look because their summer stuff is just TO DIE!! They also have 30% off all their summer range now too... I ordered a load thinking I would try it all on and just pick a few pieces but somehow it all ended up hanging in my wardrobe!! Help meeeeeee

So keep an eye out as I'll be putting up a lot of Missguided throughout the summer

Hope you love

Amb xo


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