Evening everyone!
So as you've probably guessed from the title today is Want That Wardrobe's 1 year anniversary (I can't believe it myself) and what a year it's been! I really wanted to share with you how I have found my first year of Blogging and what I have learnt along the way. So if you have followed WTW from the start then you will probably know how quickly a Blog can develop once you are actively doing it, and by develop I mean things like the quality of photos, the amount of content and the overall look of the Blog. I have to say some of my earlier posts are really not up to standard, but that's all part of the fun of developing something that is your own and seeing how much you can progress with it. The truth about Blogging is that it really is A LOT of hard work and you truly have to be committed to it. I, like many other Bloggers, started off already working a full time job and so Blogging is more of a hobby and something to enjoy outside of the 9 to 5. But since starting last January I realised that it quickly turns from a hobby into your second full time job! Every spare hour I have goes into it... and trust me I am a busy woman!! But the difference is that I seriously enjoy it! I love everything about fashion and anyone who knows me knows that it is something I am so passionate about and so being able to have that creative space to let it all out is just perfect!
One thing I love about Blogging is definitely being lucky enough to do collaborations with brands. Being approached by a brand is so fulfilling, knowing that they have taken the time to look at your Blog and that they think you will suit their style of clothing enough to want to do a collaboration. The first brand I was approached by were Pretty Little Thing which I adored anyway, so that was amazing! I have collaborated with them a few times since and earlier this year I actually got to meet the girls at PLT when I attended their PLT Cyber Party which was so much fun! And they were all so lovely. I have also collaborated with Boohoo a few times, Rare and Forever Modo. The thing I would say about collaborations mind are that when you start a Blog, the reason shouldn't be for free clothes or free products that you may be lucky enough to receive. I definitely think that any collaboration is a plus in Blogging and if you are in it just for that then you are truly missing the point of what the Blogging world is all about.
So basically to summarise my first year of Blogging I would say has been amazing! I definitely don't have the time to post as much as I would like to, ideally I would love to be able to post 3-4 times a week but when you already work full time it is a struggle to keep up with those numbers. So if I have a couple of quieter weeks on here then please know I am probably just having a hectic few weeks! I'm looking forward to my second year of Blogging and already can't wait to see what I have achieved by this time next year. The dream for me is to be able to do what I love full time, so I will try my hardest to get there! In the meantime thank you to my followers and I really hope you enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy creating them!
Lots of Love
Amb xo